Permanent Cosmetics Clients Please Read
You know the state of your health better than anyone. If you have any medical issues that you feel might be a contraindication, then we suggest you get clearance from your doctor.
PREGNANT or NURSING – Although there are no medical evidence that tattooing would have any effect on an unborn child, we don’t know for sure. So we suggest you error on the side of caution and come back after the baby is born and you are no longer nursing.
Allergic to Glycerin, Epinephrine, Caine products, or other numbing agents. Numbing creams are applied to the treated area prior to the tattooing procedure to make for a more comfortable experience for the client. However, they are not required.
Patients who have EPILEPSY or a HEART DISEASE of any kind should have a physicians approval prior to any tattooing procedure.
On ACCUTANE, RETIN A – Topical steroids thin the skin. Depending on the stage your skin is at, it may be too fragile to undergo a tattoo procedure. You should get clearance from your doctor before considering permanent make-up.
On PRESCRIPTION STRENGTH MEDICATION OR TREATMENTS...that affect the dermal layer of the skin can affect permanent make-up.
On ANTICOAGULATIONS…(blood thinners) long term use of aspirin, ibuprofen and some herbs reduce clotting time resulting in increased bleeding and bruising, which will affect the implantation of pigment as well as increase the healing time.
Have an AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE… You should get clearance from your doctor before considering permanent make-up.
Transmittable blood disease (e.g., HIV or HEPATITIS)
DIABETES (type 1)…If you are insulin dependent, you are not a candidate for permanent make-up. Healing could be compromised and take longer than average. However, if your doctor feels your condition is under control you may request a letter stating that you are able to undergo cosmetic tattooing.
Have GLAUCOMA…You may not have eyeliner. Increased intraocular pressure combined with pressure placed on the eye to apply eyeliner could be damaging. It is important to have this condition under control and/or refer to your physician for further consent to the application of permanent eyeliner.
BLOOD DISORDERS… that affect clotting such as hemophilia, sickle cell anemia and platelet disorders could interfere with implantation of pigment, however it is possible to receive successful implantation of permanent cosmetics. Please consult your physician.
MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE, ARTIFICIAL HEART VALVES, OR ARTIFICIAL JOINTS… or any person that requires prophylactic antibiotics before dental or other procedures will need to consult their physician for treatment prior to permanent make-up
HAVE ANY OTHER HEART CONDITIONS… uncontrolled high blood pressure and poor general health would be special concern, you will need to see your physician and discuss the procedure to gain pre-approval.
HERPES SIMPLEX… People who get fever blisters and/or cold sores may experience an outbreak after procedures. It’s imperative that you discuss the procedure with your physician before the procedure and receive proper instructions how to prevent an outbreak post procedure. Most physicians will offer a prescription for Zovirax or Valtrex to take prior to and after procedure.
KELOID OR HYPERTHOPHIC SCARRING…Persons with tendencies for this type of scarring have the same risk with tattoo also.
Skin diseases such as PSORIASIS, ECZEMA, SHINGLES and undiagnosed rashes or blisters on the area that is to be treated. Must wait several months after it has cleared.
Active SKIN CANCER in the area to be tattooed.
CANCER patients should book initial appointment at least 8 weeks in advance of treatment as this will give you enough time for healing before and after your perfecting session (2nd session). If booking after treatment please book at least 4 weeks after your treatment. Please speak with your oncologist for approval in either of these situations.
Permanent Makeup Pre-care Instructions
You must stay off any blood thinning products (aspirin, vitamins A,E) for 1 week prior to service, unless prescribed by a doctor.
You must be off Retin-A or Retinols 7 days prior to service.
Do not work out the day of your service, it increases blood flow.
You may want to schedule your service around your monthly cycle due to sensitivity levels.
Botox should be performed either 2 weeks prior to your scheduled service or 2 weeks after your service.
Fillers should be done 6 weeks prior to your scheduled service or 6 weeks after your service.
Eyelift or blepharoplasty: Wait about 3 months.
Scars from surgery or injury must be healed for at least one year prior to service.
Let me know if you have/had allergic reactions to topical anesthetics.
If you tweeze, wax, or dye your brows please do so no less than 2 days prior.
Electrolysis should not be done for a week prior.
Do not wear contact lens during the procedure and remember to bring your glasses.
Bring sunglasses to wear home. Eyes may be light sensitive.
Do not dye or perm lashes for 2 days prior.
Do not use eyelash curler the day of the procedure.
Do not use Latisse for 1 month prior.
Lash extensions must be removed prior to service.
If you have had any type of eye surgery (cataract, lasik, and blepharoplasty), consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent eyeliner procedure.
If you get cold sores you will need an antiviral prescription. Physician usually instructs to begin taking it 3 days before procedure, for a 7-10 day course. Remember that you will need enough for at least two separate appointments (your perfecting session).
If you have had any type of lip surgery, consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent makeup procedure on the lips. Most physicians are giving a 3 week ok after lip filler injections like collagen or Restylane. Permanent makeup artists have noticed poor color retention in lips that have received collagen injections within the previous 6 months, longer for Restylane. There has even been a little pigment migration along lip edges with Restylane. It may be best not to have lip filler injections and permanent lip color within the same year. If the lip surgery involves an incision (like a lip implant), the incision needs to mature about 6 months before tattooing on top of it.
Permanent Makeup Aftercare Instructions
Proper care following your procedure is necessary to achieve the best results. Keep in mind that in many cases, some unevenness of color is to be expected. The purpose of the perfecting session in 4 - 6 weeks is to correct any color or shape issues.
Wash your hands before touching any treated areas.
Use a gentle cleanser (such as baby soap) on cotton rounds or cotton-tipped applicators to gently cleanse the tattoo area then apply a very thin layer of ointment (aquaphor or vitamin E oil - do NOT use Vaseline) 2 times a day for at least 1 week.
You may dab the treated area throughout the day with a clean napkin or tissue if needed. Be sure to reapply a very thin layer of ointment (ato tattoo area if removed by dabbing.
Do not expose the tattoo area to dirty or unsanitary conditions.
Some itching is normal. DO NOT PICK, PEEL, OR SCRATCH the treated area or your color may heal unevenly and you risk scarring and infection.
No makeup is to be applied for one week after the procedure on the tattoo area.
Do not wear contact lenses within 48 hours following the eyeliner procedure. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pre-tattooed condition.
No eyelash or eyebrow tinting or lash lift for two weeks after the procedure.
No tweezing, waxing, electolysis or any other methods of hair removal for at least two weeks after the procedure.
Do not expose your healing skin to direct shower spray, skin creams, ointments, or lotions other than what you have been instructed to use for at least 3 days following your procedure.
Do not use Retin-A or Retinols on or around the area for 30 days after the procedure. If used before 30 days, it can cause the pigments to fade prematurely.
Do not expose your healing skin to direct sun, tanning beds, hot tubs, saunas, salt water, chlorinated pools, or extremely hot water for 2 weeks following your procedure.
After your tattoo is healed use a good sunscreen daily- even lips require protection. Sun exposure will fade your permanent cosmetics and may cause irritation even years later. Wearing glasses and a large brimmed hat outdoors is a good way to protect your tattoo.
If you are planning chemical exfoliation, or other medical procedure such as an MRI, please inform your physician of your cosmetic tattoo.
No donating blood for 1 year after tattoo procedure.
What to Expect
Depending on the service, the initial procedure takes approximately 2 ½ to 31/2 hours; there are records to establish; photographs to take; desired design and color to discuss; the procedure to perform; and the aftercare requirements to discuss. The perfecting session (6 weeks after initial procedure) usually do not require the same amount of time.
Colors will appear darker immediately following the procedure due to oxidation but will soften and lighten during the healing process. The healing time is different for each individual and procedure. It takes time to become acclimated to a new look (very often this applies to eyebrows which were sparse and unnoticeable before the procedure.) Eyeliner color is more evident due to the contrast to the skin color. Lip color can take up to six weeks to reflect the final color.
Microblading on oily skin:
With this kind of skin type the pigment fades easily and after healing strokes are faint which would require more touch ups. The strokes might also expand a little more than someone who doesn't have oily skin. For these clients I recommend either a Powder or Microblade/Powder combo for best results.
Helpful Hints
When scheduling an appointment for a permanent makeup procedure, keep in mind the healing time of the procedure. You will need a few days afterward without social plans or strenuous activity since you may be swollen, red and peeling especially if you are having your lips done.
If your booking a brow service it is recommended to have your brows nicely groomed and tinted 2 or more days prior to permanent makeup. Tinting is especially helpful for clients that have very light brow hair or if tinting is part of your routine maintenance.
Plan a shopping trip ahead of time for items you will need: ointments (aquaphor or vitamin E oil), gentle cleanser (baby soap) and cotton rounds/cotton swabs for cleansing the treated area (you don't want to touch the healing skin directly with your fingers) and straws for sipping food/drink through if your having your lips done.
Don't forget to bring your prescription eye glasses if you have an eyeliner service scheduled.